Saturday, May 11, 2002

Maybe next year my dad and I won't get in trouble.

Camille and the rest of the Tate drama students performed for Family Night tonight. Various skits were performed, mainly two-actor comedies. The first half of what turned into a four-hour marathon had enough vanilla performances to make my head sink into my hands. The second act, featuring more experienced drama students, proved more entertaining, but my dad and I did not expect to be most delighted by an offstage performer. During a skit about slam dancing, one of the actors for the following scene peeped his head from the side curtain, stared at the actors, stared at us, stared at the actors, and removed his head from stage. My dad and I must have been the only one to see this, and for some odd reason we both couldn't stop laughing! Tears eased out my dad's eyes and I covered my face as we mightly attempted to control our laughter during the performance. For the next five minutes, I would gradually resist chuckling until my dad would screw up and laugh again, causing me to crack my silence, which pushed my dad's laughing even louder. I felt possessed by some sick and twisted humor bug!

My dad and I are repeat offenders. At this same event last year, Camille warned us about a girl who would sing rather oddly. Camille insisited, "Please do not laugh when this girl sings. You'll know when it comes." In one of the first scenes in Act 2, a girl released her voice to the crowd, and my ears were presented with a symphony of what sounded like flat yodelling from a miserable woman with a severe wedgie. The laughter exploded from my dad's mouth--- though he immediately suppressed it into his mumbled chuckles--- and the chuckle bug spread to me. I felt a little ashamed and embarrassed, but that girl's singing--- I mean, it still makes me laugh to this day, so imagine the potency of our laughs that day!

To overcome tonight's unconscious urges to laugh, I thought of Haley and our day today. Her adorable giggles, cutesy endeavors, girlish scent, and stunning glow returned that warmth in my heart only Haley has ever been able to give me. I'm so fascinated by her and want to search deeper to learn everything that makes Haley the wonderfully gentle and kind person she is. Suddenly a guy popping his head from side stage didn't seem as funny (at least until my dad would succumb to the laughter again).

Tomorrow is the final night before my return to Gainesville. I will enjoy the night with three friends I've grown closer to than pretty much any person not directly branched to my family tree: Haley, Andrew, and Crystal. Haley and I will start the night together before Andrew and Crystal arrive, and no matter what the future holds, tomorrow should be a shining sunset to my week and a half in Pensacola.

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