Saturday, August 03, 2002

Hey, remember that night when we went to pick up my dad at the airport, then we went through all this trouble to drive to Steak n Shake and find your car so my dad would drive my car home and we'd go rent a video you wanted to see, only it was 10:20 pm and the video store was all the way down Blue Angel Parkway, so when you called the store to get directions they said they closed at 11 and you'd never make it in time, so we rushed to the other one in Pace, and we got there at 10:45 pm, but that one closes an hour earlier than the other one, so it was already closed, so we had no video, and we had ice cream at McDonald's instead?

That was a fun night!

Oh, and remember that thing you said at McDonald's, about how cute and romantic you think it would be for a couple to take a trip to another city or even state just to go to McDonald's or Burger King or Taco Bell or any other place you could have driven five minutes to get to, but instead you take a long car ride together where you can talk and hold hands and lean on each other before and after you eat everyday fast food?

That was a great idea! You mind if I use it one day?

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