Thursday, April 25, 2002

The University of Florida concluded its spring term today, but my eyes did not fill with tears.

Honestly, today felt just like any of the last hundred weekdays of going to one class, doing a bit of reading, going to Chi Omega, and doing whatever with the night. I only have one final, a lovely Monday, 7:30 in the a.m. Law Enforcement exam. Until then, I must engulf myself into 500 pages of criminology, torture for other students but not so for someone who lusts for the subject as I do! I did feel a little subconscious today in class, though. Dr. Shenkman invited us to debate on his statement that we should not lower the standard requirements of a police officer in order to allow more women on the force. He mentioned the physical superiority of men of women ("Big roughneck Paul is drunk in a bar because he just lost his girl. He refuses to leave. Here comes Officer Lorraine! How is she gonna get this guy to leave?" wondered my outspoken professor.), and this girl that always overtalks and argues Dr. Shenkman's point interjects. Oh, a side note: this girl puzzles me because for most of the semester I sat to the side of her, and she looked really good from the side view. I finally saw her face up the other day, and she looks so much different. Her eyes seem to be spread way too far apart and somewhat uneven. This girl has it going on from the side but looks strange face-up! I now avoid looking at her head-on.

Anyway, this girl countered that a small man would have the same problem as a woman officer in the scenario. Off and on, we referenced to the "small man." The small man in this case was 5'6" and 140 pounds. If you know me, I come close to this description. Sure, I'm 5'7" and 145 pounds, but who's counting? I'm almost the prototypical "small man!"

Eh, I don't really care. I like my stature. Besides, the class concluded a guy like me could do the job of the average-sized officer without a drop in excellence. Maybe in the amount he bench presses, but not in how he can fight crime.

Anthony: crime-fighting machine!

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