Monday, April 29, 2002

81. My Law Enforcement and Social Policy exam:
A) resulted in my getting one full hour of sleep last night.
B) contained about 7 questions on the book I expected to constitute about 30 questions.
C) posed random, matter-of-fact questions beside the normal applicable problems.
D) received a royal booty lashing from Anthony.
E) two of the above
F) all of the above

If you chose choice F, you are correct!

Well, school is over (for at least two weeks anyway). Honestly, I don't know what to think. While Gainsville is just starting to feel familiar and completely comfortable, I'm hit with the reality that my stay has run at least half its course. Friends are starting to pack and escape back to their families, friends I probably will never see this regularly again--- come on, I'm not going to bump into one of them while plodding toward my apartment shower! My parents will take care of me in two days, and dorm life will expire. The East Three Mullet has run through my veins the past two years, but in two days he will be demoted to a recent and fond memory.

Actually, these farewell moments are not the most active ideas circulating in my brain at the moment. Two themes resonate right now...

1) During my diligent book and note readings in the wee hours of this Monday morn, the sun rose before my heavy eyes. What a gorgeous and glorious spectacle! Every morning the sun rises just as majestically, shining light onto every plant, every lake, every person. What am I doing during this masterpiece of daily birth? I sleep. When I awaken around 10 am I see the sunrise's finished project, but seeing the work in progress proves far more beautiful. The sun shines a little brighter in the end when you first witness the dark and dim.

2) I'm tired. My bed is empty. I'm tired. My bed won't be empty for long. I'm tired

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