Thursday, August 07, 2003

Random Puke

Are there any other foods out there you can order by the "loaf" besides bread? If not, isn't that a waste of a word?

Take a long, hard stare at the nearest video cassette and realize how obsolete these bulky, black contraptions look.

Funniest man in the biz at this exact moment, even though it's probably a fad: Will Ferrell

So why does Dave's room get a 6 foot puddle that sits for a week without stinking up his room, and I get a 2 foot puddle that sits for the night and makes my room smell like a sewer farted?

All the attention is going to Arnold and Larry Flynt running for governor of California, but one celebrity candidate is not getting his just press: Gary Coleman. He's running on a stellar campaign of balancing the budget, decriminalizing marijuana, and abolishing size ordinances on roller coasters.

Too bad this rough, seducing voice I've recently inherited comes with a nagging cough and phlegm.

Smash Mouth: why?

When two guys at your table order a grilled chicken sandwich, you know the Big Red at Alehouse era is officially over. The fall of the dynasty will probably be traced back to Josh's move to Virginia. It's ok, Josh. It had to end sometime.

Paco can show you many things, but Paco will not beg.

Receiving drunk calls: funny when you're awake, funny when you're sleeping.

Tomorrow I head back to Pensacola for the weekend. It will be two great days: New York family visiting for the fourth time in 2 years, catching up with my back-in-the-country friend Crystal, buying a beer for my newly legal friend Andrew, and the three I call Mom, Dad, and Camille.

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