Tuesday, July 16, 2002

Possible titles for this blooger entry include:

"Now we Play the Waiting Game"
"I Never do Things Half-heartedly"
"My Adventures as a Stoner"
"When Two isn't Better than One"
"Delaying the Inevitable Agony"
"Waking up with Red Piss"

Basically, my discomfort this morning required another visit to the hospital. My alarm didn't even get to buzz at 6:45 am because I was awakened at 6:30 from the stinging in my groin. My bladder felt heavy, so I went to pee. You know how urine is yellow? You know how blood is red? Well, I pissed out red. And it stung!

Five hours of doctors, X-rays, shots, and peeing into cups gave me the following knowledge:

1) I have a small kidney stone that should pass in the next 24 hours.
2) Another stone is developing in my other kidney and could come out whenever it feels like leaving.
3) After I pass my stone, doctors are interested in examining my urine for the following three days. Hence, I must pee in a jug for three days after I'm done peeing in a strainer.
4) The worst pain is yet to come. Thankfully, my pain so far has proved to be bearable.
5) Water and two medicines should be my best friends through my labor.
6) The radiologist preferred the pain to giving birth over passing a stone.
7) My diet may be adjusted after experts analyze my stone.
8) Kidney stones are the spawn of Satan, and that is why they are so unceremoniously dumped from our bodies.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to wait for some groin-grabbingly (literally) sharp pains.

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