Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Brought to you in reverse chronological order: The Lost Blooger Entries! See both creations made from the hands of the author while his internet connection was comatosed at the hands of another lightning storm. Counting these words, you get three blooger entries for the price of one! Here's what you missed...


July 23, 2002

Two dark brown eyes remain sturdy and active tonight, filled with the rest from a three-hour nap, the caffeine from a vanilla coke, and the adrenaline from a workout. Just like legendary martial arts master Chuck Norris, I use the Total Gym 1000 in an effort to present a healthier, toned body. Unlike that of Mr. Norris, my body could not prompt Joe American to call and order a fitness machine. My packaged Total Gym was at full display on my birthday but remains boxed until I bring it to Country Village Apartments, Gainesville, FL. This recent twenty year old made a sort of birthday resolution to actively use a Total Gym that happens to be in my house. After three days, I already feel better about my body.

This next statement may sound a little erotic, so you might want to get a hand towel to wipe the perspiration beading from your forehead: I’m not wearing a shirt right now, my naked chest fully exposed. Since about third grade I’ve never felt fully comfortable or satisfied with my body. A milestone has been reached by my being able to lie in my bed without covering my stomach and chest. The mere practice of my Total Gym exercising gives me more satisfaction with myself. Even if my body’s appearance is far from my ideal goal, I’m comfortable with myself physically than maybe ever before. Not much has changed in the actual product… just the perception from inside.


July 21, 2002

July 21, 2002: the day my life officially amounted to twenty years of breathing, living, and experiencing. An approximate chronological recap of the peaceful, intimate, enjoyable day:

8:15 am: Alarm clock wakes me up
8:16 am: See “Happy Birthday” instant messages from Jemma and Anikka under the “Connection Lost” icon
8:18 am: Go downstairs, “Happy Birthday” and kiss from parents, tell them how the storm may have fried our Ethernet line (again)
8:19 am: Parents discover downstairs computer is completely dead; killed by thunderstorm
8:25 am: Shower, get dressed, leave for church through the heavy rain
9:05 am: Arrive at Hilcrest, sit and talk
9:30 am: Service begins
9:55 am: Haley sings a personal favorite, “Only Hope”; touches me inside
10:45 am: Service ends, drive home
11:08 am: Open the front door, see my gifts, open presents and cards
11:30 am: Eat delicious omelet made by dad
11:45 am: Test out new stereo system with new Chili Peppers album
12:00 pm: Turn on new DVD, watch with dad and Camille
1:15 pm: Doze off a bit
2:00 pm: Finally reach Andrew on the phone
2:05 pm: Listen to Chili Peppers album with dad
3:10 pm: Crystal comes over
3:20 pm: The Dubose family comes over
3:21 pm: Get call from Haley, who’s not the best girl at not getting lost
3:30 pm: John comes over
3:45 pm: Haley (finally) makes it
4:00 pm: Family, the Duboses, Crystal, John, Haley, and myself meet Andrew, Aunt Neomi, and John at New Market for dinner
4:05 pm: Begin evening affair of great conversations, belly-aching laughs, and medium-rare prime rib with baked potato (and no salad!)
5:45 pm: Action relocates back to my home
6:05 pm: Discover the problem with my car’s air conditioning with Mr. Dubose
6:15 pm: Light the candles, hear off-key rendition of “Happy Birthday to You”
6:16 pm: Extinguish all 21 candles (one for good luck) with a single puff; begin serving birthday trifle and birthday cupcakes
6:30 pm: Plop onto couch with belly as full as possible, between Camille and Haley
6:35 pm: Open gifts from my other loved ones
6:55 pm: Group hysterics mocking the tip-toeing of my dog, Angel
7:00 pm: Group Simpsons watching fun
8:30 pm: More DVD fun
10:00 pm: Call it a night, walk upstairs
10:10 pm: Write introductory entry to pen-and-paper journal
11:00 pm: Write blooger entry in Microsoft Word; for posting when Dan the Computer Man restores Ethernet
11:50 pm: The current time

All in all, my twentieth birthday carried a very wholesome, loving, and joyous vibe. My mom explained it to me best, showing me how somehow I had perfectly balanced my surrounding company. Immediate family, family friends, relatives, and close friends all interacted together, complementing each other and remaining in perfect balance throughout the evening. I was surrounded by a steady love in the quietly cool atmosphere that provides me so much comfort. I’m entering another decade, my twenties. Being the youngin among 99% of my friends, I finally join the club, though today’s official annoitation is nothing more than a technicality in that aspect. Today people who care about me stayed in my company as sort of a tribute and appreciation of my existence… wow! “Happy Birthday” never felt so special.


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