Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Excerpt from an e-mail to a friend afar:

...I went over Ben's so we could leave to go to the Ox (that coffeehouse) to study. So we drive down there and I'm noticing there's plenty of parking. Of course, that meant it was closed for Labor Day. So we went to Java Lounge instead. Closed too. So we went down to Starbucks b/c there's no way they're closed. They're not closed... far from it; they're packed mad crazy. No empty tables, no empty seats, and a bunch of people standing up. So we cut our losses and decided to go to Ben's place to study. By this time, he wants a drink but not coffee, so we stop by Checker's and get milkshakes: his vanilla, mine strawberry. We go back to his place and see There's Something About Mary on the television screen. You know about my little thing for Cameron Diaz, so we sit and watch "for a little bit." Basically, we watched the movie, and by the time I finally left we had gotten absolutely nothing done. It kind of reminded me of when you and I drove around for Space Camp and ended up eating ice cream sundaes at a McDonald's 20 minutes from home! You know, I really did enjoy that night. Some people hate when things don't go as planned, and while sometimes the times you'd most like to forget are ones that don't go as planned, I think times when things don't go as planned can also be the most unforgettable highlights of your life. That'll be a night I'll store in memory from this summer, among others...

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