Sunday, September 19, 2004

The Ivan Emmys

The Taco Bell Award (for making me feel like I would vomit or crap my pants): CNN, for waking me up to an erroneuos report that my dad's hospital (and where my dad was during the hurricane) had been hit by a tornado.

The Nyquil Award (for helping put me to sleep): My dad, for calling me at 11 am with, "Yeah Ant, I just got back from home. Everybody's ok."

The W. Award (for helping me laugh with a mispronounciation): Orange Raincoat Guy, for reporting major damage in "Pensaloca."

The Amelia Earhart Award (for new milestones in travel): Ivan himself, for managing to flood schools from Florida to Pennsylvania (seriously, Penn State is closed tomorrow because of flooding!).

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