Thursday, May 27, 2004

Like a Butterfly

Tomorrow my muscles could experience new dull aches like nothing they've ever felt. For the first time I participated in the sport I love that no one else seems to get. One hour later it required conscious hand-eye coordination to open the door and enter my car. But I loved the experience so much that not only am I interested in continuing throughout the summer, but I already found a gym for it in my fall home of Harrisbug, Pennsylvania.

Last month ESPN gathered sports scientists, athletes, and journalists to determine the most difficult sport, the one with the most potent combination of physical and mental abilities and toughness. The conclusion: boxing is the toughest sport to master. Boxing is a misunderstood sport. There are so many complaints and grievances about it, I wouldn't know where to being my retort.

It's an incredible demand on your physical body and brain. Even one second of betrayal from either can completely alter the course of outcome. There's no one to back you up when you make a mistake. And try to stand there punching and weaving for three straight minutes! It's incredibly draining to your legs, shoudlers, and arms after the first minute!

A beautiful craft when done right. An invigorating workout even when not.

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