Saturday, October 05, 2002

Scores from the Putt Putt Open at the final major ever to be played at the closing Putt Putt Entertainment Center:

Anthony (Phil Mickelson): 51 (+15)
Jamey (Tigger): 58 (+22)
Nathan (The Shark): 55 (+19)

Though almost choking in Mickleson fashion, Phil Mickelson wins his first major! Sadly, Gainesville no longer has room for miniature golf. I'm sure this town needs something more in the college mold. Maybe we can get another restaurant that serves buffalo wings and chicken fingers or a place that serves beer rather than slurpees. After all, we don't have enough places in that atmosphere. There's little room in a college town to be a carefree youth, even for one night.

I can't wait until the toad comes back!

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