Wednesday, June 09, 2004

A Few Things, 10 to be Exact

1) Holy crap: the first installments of "I Love the 90s" air on VH1 next month. Bring on the BK Knights, Saved by the Bell, and the flat top hair do's!

2) Number of prints taken from a roll of film during my first two years of college: 300-plus, easily.

3) Number of prints taken from a roll of film during my senior year, 6 months after getting a digital camera: zero.

4) Boxing is my new tennis.

5) I heard Jessica Simpson's brand-spanking-new single, yet another cover song. Never have I seen an attempt to force someone into superstardom this blatant and lazy at the same time.

6) Why isn't it *1? *9? Who in the name of Billy Madison chose *69?

7) First words my mom called me with during her 25th Anniversary celebration in New Orleans: Your father is d-r-u-n-k!

8) A girl actually used the "where do I know you from?" line on me. I swear on all things holy.

9) Seven years late, I'm asking myself what could have been if Jeff Buckley hadn't been compelled to take that fateful swim.

10) If we were born with only nine fingers and toes, would 9 be a more satisfying ending to lists (Top 9 reasons, etc.)? or is it the whole double digit thing?

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