Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Top 5 Moments, Thanksgiving Break '03
1) Having a pleasant conversation with hometown friends on Thanksgiving night concluded with, "So, who's up for finding an open strip club?"
2) The phone ringing approximately 3 seconds after the Florida-Florida State game, and my sister answering, "It was rigged!"
3) Talking one-on-one with the excitable, quirky, incredibly voiced Rosie Thomas (Concert pics here)
4) My buddy coming to me, and then my mom, for a pep talk before having sex with his girlfriend for the first time (and then coming over the next day, asking me and my dad whether he had successfully finished the deed!)
5) Turkey, rib roast, manicotti, corn bisque, mashed potatoes, scallops, pumpkin pie, chocolate trifle, pumpkin roll, flan, and Italian love cake... four meals in a row.

Incidentally, I'm wondering if I should leave the paper I memo'd these moments on for some stranger to find, because I'd sure be bewildered if I found a note that read, "Strip club, food, virginity, Rosie, rigged game."

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