Thursday, December 18, 2003

Review of my Hypotheses for this Semester

The fall will be much easier than last spring. Wow, we're not starting so hot here. I severely underestimated how much effort and dedication went into all the preparations for grad school. Applied Behavior Analysis required attention everyday, and the exams in other classes were surprisingly complex. Nearly surpassed last semester as the toughest of my studies, though the forty-page paper last spring puts any other work I've done to shame.

My legs will be stronger than ever. Ok, so now we're 0-2, and I realize that we're talking in the seldom-used fourth person. I found combo bus routes to take me 1.5 miles to my class. I have the same sexy, well-toned legs I always had.

It is mathematically impossible to not sit by an attractive girl in my Behavior Analysis class. Everytime I went to class, I had an incredible view. There are only three acceptable reasons for getting up before 7:00 am: watch the sunrise, Saved by the Bell reruns, and to see pretty girls in psychology class.

I will spend a personal record on coffee. Let's just say my barista offered to give me personal space behind the counter for my own mug.

Behavior Analysis will be my favorite class. Yep.

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