Thursday, March 06, 2003

I admit it's a problem that has escaped my control. I figured other people get addicted, but I was above that, to depend on a mass-manufactured product. I saw enough people my age experimenting; why not me? I mean, if I didn't like it I could just walk away. But I liked it. And I continued using until it became a daily habit. Now I'm just like the rest of the crowd. You know who we are: during a break in class, while you stick around or visit the bathroom, we step outside the building and reach into our pockets for that little box, and when finished we return to class relaxed and refreshed. At least I'm not one of those full-blown cases who needs it everytime he steps outside, the guy you never see without one in his hand. I don't anticipate ever reaching that level, but I do want more from my habit. I mean, if I'm addicted, I might as well get voicemail and downloaded dialtones as well.

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