Sunday, November 03, 2002

This afternoon the invisible lightbulb flashed above my head, and I had motivation to tell a story on my blooger. Unfortunately 250 pages of Corrections reading blocked my will. Nevertheless, I jotted (?) down some notes so when the appropriate time came I would have structure to write. Of course, obstacles can stumble in front of your planned agenda. Among the reasons I will not spend time tonight writing my full entry:

1) One hour of frisbee turned into three.
2) My sister asked if I could figure out some pre-cal for her (I haven't done the math thing for three years, and eventually I figure out the parts she didn't need help on)
3) New Simpsons and Sopranos episodes
4) Still have blending text to stare blindly at read
5) I'm tired
6) I don't feel so great

As a consolation, I've decided to copy the notes I wrote down this afternoon, the notes that were to further motivate me to write a delightful narrative. So here's a story without the, well, story:

Kindergarten: Taekwondo... Black belt at 8... new class Thursdays at 7... Butterfinger commercials... thought that Bart was cool... found out there was TV show with him... same time as Taekwondo... skipped once... mom taped show while at Taekwondo... "pack rat" with video tapes... reuse tapes always fill up b/c don't like to tape over things... kept Simp episodes until ran out of tape... started new one... tradition started... almost every Simp episode on tape... tonight new episode is on tape 24... quotes... tape on when I go to sleep... my little weird collection

Got it?

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